May 23, 2023The psychological science of adolescent behavior and decision-making is reshaping the juvenile...Psychologists are partnering with jurisdictions nationwide to revise juvenile probation policies and practices to align with developmental science By Zara AbramsThe psychological science of adolescent behavior and decision-making is reshaping the juvenile justice system
Psychologists are partnering with jurisdictions nationwide to revise juvenile probation policies and practices to align with developmental science By Zara AbramsThe psychological science of adolescent behavior and decision-making is reshaping the juvenile justice system
Supporting Juvenile Justice Personnel: A Trauma-Informed, Skills-Based ApproachCenter for Trauma Recovery and Juvenile Justice (CTRJJ) faculty (Keith Cruise, Katy Reid, Carly Baetz) met with a great group of...
Innovative Therapeutic Program Helps Those Living With PTSD“There are a number of psychotherapies for PTSD but most, if not all, of them require the person in therapy to relive traumatic memories...