TARGET/T4 Training & Coaching Package
for Individual purchase
TARGET/T4 Training is approved* for 13.5 NASW CEs
*Please review the NASW website for eligibility specific to you and your state
Prerequisite Knowledge. All participants must be a masters or doctoral-level license behavioral health practitioner (which may include a professional counselor, psychologist, clinical social worker, or marital and family therapist).
This training is provided fully online. The course begins with an introductory live webinar led by a certified TARGET trainer and is approximately two hours in length. This is followed by static, self-paced coursework, combining both didactic learning and experiential activities. The self-paced coursework takes approximately 16 hours to complete. Access is provided 24/7 to each trainee and remains available for 30 calendar days. Extensions are offered at a reduced rate on a case-by-case basis.
Ongoing learning opportunities are available to support your implementation success. If you are interested in learning more about post-training options please sign up above for a time to meet with a member of ATS Pro to discuss further.
Please note: This is not a train-the-trainer program. TARGET/T4 trainees are not permitted to train others, including other mental health professionals, in TARGET or any TARGET-derivative. TARGET/T4 trainees are not permitted to replicate their facilitator materials or further distribute.
ATS Pro provides coaching services to enhance knowledge and comprehension of the TARGET and T4 models and support facilitators in the acquisition of Proficiency and Certification milestones. Coaching sessions focus on supporting both organizational and facilitator implementation. These services are provided through live web-based meetings and self-paced online course materials. Research informs that coaching after training leads to greater knowledge, changes in attitudes toward interventions and higher treatment integrity. ATS Pro post-training coaching packages aid facilitators in the transition from demonstration to comprehension as they are supported with transfer of learning and implementation.
Coaching modules will provide mock session practice and discussion, video examples, guidance on community-centered and person-centered provision, practice with the curriculum’s terminology, concepts and structure, adaptive practices for individual and group session formats, milieu reinforcement and implementation, applying FREEDOM steps to diverse life stressors and goals, and support with facilitating TARGET/T4 in diverse facilitator roles. Resources and information from TARGET developer, Dr. Julian Ford, are provided throughout the coaching pathway.
Registration closes 14 days before the scheduled date, to allow time for training materials to be shipped.