TARGET Proficiency and Certification
Proficiency is the first benchmark in the Certification process. It is recognition that the individual has achieved the foundational skills for delivering the curriculum and
is eligible to proceed to the next phase in meeting standards.
A score of 75% or higher on written training post-test
Attended and/or reviewed a minimum of 12 Intensive Consultation and Training
Segments -
Completion of all segment post-tests with scores averaged 75% or higher
Completion of required consultations for a minimum of 6 months following
All steps are subject to formal confirmation of completion, including by
program leadership or supervisors.
Certification is the formal recognition that a Facilitator has completed their steps
toward competency through learning segments and implementation of the model.
Achievement of Proficiency
Conducted a minimum of two rounds of curriculum after completing training
Attended and/or reviewed a minimum of 6 Intensive Consultation and Training
Segments after Proficiency -
Completion of all segment post-tests with scores averaged 80% or higher
Completion of required consultations for a minimum of 12 months following
All steps are subject to formal confirmation of completion, including by
program leadership or supervisors.
Provisional Certification is the formal recognition that the individual has
demonstrated engagement with the learning segments. An individual with
Provisional Certification has completed learning segments and has not facilitated
delivery of the model. An individual may achieve Certification at a later date after
all benchmarks have been met.
Achievement of Proficiency
Attended and/or reviewed a minimum of 6 Intensive Consultation and Training
Segments after Proficiency -
Completion of all segment post-tests with scores averaged 80% or higher
Completion of required consultations for a minimum of 12 months following
TARGET/T4 Recertification
Recertification Standards
Complete a minimum of two Recertification Consultation Segments
Complete Pre-Test
View all video components
Pass Post-Test at a minimum of 80%
Complete a minimum of two TARGET/T4 rounds
Complete Attestation Statement within Pathway
Steps toward Recertification
Submit email request to initiate Recertification
to Support@advancedtrauma.com -
Submit payment for Recertification fee of $200
Complete TARGET/T4 Recertification Pathway in ATS Pro Learning Center, with all Recertification Standards achieved
ATS Pro will send TARGET/T4 Recertification credential within 30 days of completion
Recertification Timeline
Certification status expires one year from date of initial Certification and is due every year on
annual Certification date. -
Recertification request and payment are due to ATS Pro 30 days prior to date of Certification
expiration. A late fee of $15 will be added for submissions after this due date. -
Additional training may be required for requests initiated after expiration of Certification.
Access to the TARGET/T4 Recertification Pathway expires after one year.